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National Centre for Music Talents in Sweden

The National Center for Music Talents was established in 2019 to

  • with operations in Vänersborg as a base, run a national meeting and education platform at an international level of excellence for young talents who play orchestral instruments and/or conduct

  • inspire, strengthen and complement top-level activities throughout the country, including through regionally based activities and collaboration with cultural schools and other actors

  • strengthen the re-growth of the music profession and promote young creativity and creation

The association conducts courses through YOMA – Young Musicians Academy and organises each year Polstjärnepriset for young classical musicians aged 14-18.

The association receives support from the Swedish Council for Culture, the regions of Gävleborg, Stockholm, Västmanland and Västra Götaland, as well as the municipality of Vänersborg for the development of musical talents at an international level and collaboration with initiatives.

The organisation is sponsored by the Kjell and Märta Beijer Foundation. The association also receives grants from the Nordic Culture Fund for Nordic co-operation.


2006 – 2008 The municipality of Vänersborg begins a close collaboration with Aurora Music’s international Master Classes, establishes the competition Polstjärnepriset, Sweden’s foremost competition for young classical musicians, and starts course weekends for young talents.

In 2010, the winner of Polstjärnepriset represents Sweden for the first time in Eurovision Young Musicians.

In 2012, the competition Polstjärnepriset is complemented with Polstjärnepriset – the Course.

In 2014, international collaborations with Norway and Austria, among others, begin.

In 2016, the finalists of Polstjärnepriset are accompanied for the first time by the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra and the Polstjärnepriset Symphony Orchestra plays side by side with them.

In 2019, the National Center for Musical Talents is formed by the municipality of Vänersborg together with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Norrland Opera and the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra.

Address information

Country: Sweden

Street + number: Vänerparken 5

City + postal code: 462 36 Vänersborg

Contact information

