School for Young Talent
The School for Young Talent welcomes young artistic talents from age 10 to combine school with a preparatory track in dance, music, or art. We have high standards: only those who pass the entrance exam are accepted into the School for Young Talent (SfYT).
Once accepted, children take full advantage of all the knowledge and facilities available at the Royal Conservatoire and the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague. They attend an ‘excellent school’ – the distinction the SfYT has been granted by the Ministry of Culture for their highly involved team of teachers, who do everything in their power to help students develop their artistic talents to the full, while guarding their school work.
Children are educated in various artforms while attending regular school from fifth grade (the Dutch 7th group) in primary education and in secondary education (three different levels: vmbo-tl, havo,vwo).
Since at the SfYT children follow regular classes, their diploma allows them to continue to many forms of higher education, such as University. If students choose to continue on into a conservatoire degree, their diploma could help them even more: they may get the chance to complete some of the first-year subjects while they’re still in school, or to enter into a fast track degree.
Address information
Country: the Netherlands
Street + number: Turfhaven 7
City + postalcode: 2511 DK, The Hague
Telephone: 070-3151417
Website: https://www.koncon.nl/opleidingen/school-for-young-talent/school-voor-jong-talent/school-voor-jong-talent
Contact information
Name: Dhr. J. van Bilsen
Telephone: 070-3151417
Website: https://www.koncon.nl/en/programmes/school-for-young-talent/school-for-young-talent
Email: j.vanbilsen@koncon.nl